CoCo / ARC – Day 1

25/11/14 12:00 UTC
DIST TOGO: 2532 nm

Some hectic 24 hrs. We came out well in the start and got the spinnaker up immediately. This gave us not only a speed advantage but also the possibility to steer deeper along the east coast of Gran Canary. We were quite proud of ourselves, before the calm hit us south of the Island. It took a bit of work and concentration to get going again, this time in a re-united group of ARC yachts, on a southerly wind, not forecasted at all.

Anyway, the NE came back, and through the night we had 23 kt steady and gusting at 27 kt. We’ve been through a lot of sail changes, sail repairs and a few other pieces of drama, but nothing serious. Right now we are enjoying spinnaker sailing in 13-14 kt breeze. Very nice indeed, and the trip is starting to look like what it said on the can.

Our plan is to stay as close to the rumbline (the direct route) as possible, thereby sailing a shorter distance, and hoping winds and currents will be at least as favourable in our path as anywhere else on the ocean. The weather forecasts are with us, reality may not… In the meantime we’re doing our best to maximize progress with the conditions we have.

Our newly established watch system didn’t get it’s fair trial last night, due to the circumstances. But the un-rested part of the crew have a good opportunity to catch up through this fine day.

Gotta go, there’s melon and calypso hour in the aft cockpit.

2 thoughts on “CoCo / ARC – Day 1

  1. I absoutely love your speed, my recent ap on the Ipad show your ship with a golden crown on, means leader of group A. Hope your struggel also gives some fun, enjoy your melon and calypso.
    Love from Oslo , today with some ice on the pavement,Anne-Mette

  2. Kjære Henrik (og dere andre som jeg jo ikke kjenner).

    Takk for denne orienteringen!
    Jeg leser med frykt og bæven (eller kanskje heller: nysgjerrighet og entusiasme) om spinnaker og vind fra S og NE.

    Jeg håper dere får øyeblikk som flyter opp senere i livet, og som dere kan klamre dere til! – når de tunge strabasene kommer byksende, for det gjør de nok…..
    Slike øyeblikk redder oss gjennom livets dype daler!!!

    Klem Mette
    Mette Walberg
    Smittevernoverlege | Smittevernavdelingen
    Mobilnummer 90927707

    Fra: Caribbean Expedition 2015 []
    Sendt: 25. november 2014 14:29
    Til: Mette Walberg
    Emne: [New post] CoCo / ARC – Day 1

    brahawi posted: “25/11/14 12:00 UTC DIST SAILED: 180 nm DIST TOGO: 2532 nm Some hectic 24 hrs. We came out well in the start and got the spinnaker up immediately. This gave us not only a speed advantage but also the possibility to steer deeper along the east coast of Gra”

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