Our Second Atlantic Crossing – Day 6

DIST TO GO: 1425 nm

Before departing Tortola we mounted a smoke detector in the saloon. This one goes completely crazy everytime someone is preparing supper. Thus, Sebastian has given it the very fitting name of “the-almost-supper-alarm”. Incidently, supper last night was breast of duck prepared in an asian manner by Captain Peter himself. A nice treat!
Throughout the night the wind has been blowing in between 15 and 25 knots and we have been making our way swiftly towards the Azores. This was when applying just the mainsail, as it was deemed to dark to be able to pay attention to a foresail as well. The waves where bouncing about all over the place at a height of more than two metres.
This morning we boomed out the genoa with an ensuing burst of speed! For those that though we would arrive late to Europe: Think again.

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